Individual/SPIRITUAL Coaching

I am authentic in my higher self.

There is great inner-wisdom available when time is taken to review and discern about how we are experiencing life and what kind of results we are getting from our choices.  Recognizing patterns that bring us closer to or further away from joy, help strengthen our focus on personal and professional goals.  Coaching sessions are tailored for your individual goals.


Relationship Coaching

I am & I co-create.

I am & I co-create.

This is a great area for the development of our emotional intelligence, as well as understanding inner blocks that might prevent us from what we consider ideal in a loving relationship.  With experience, we learn about love and pain but we don't necessarily learn how to break unhealthy or unfulfilling patterns in our relationships.

Strive to feel more complete, and you will move towards your relationship ideals without a need to be perfect, or a fear of rejection. 

Executive/GROUP Coaching

We are all winers in our team.

We are all winers in our team.

Executive coaching is a transformational leadership experience.

Numerous polls reveal that people are unhappy with their work, because they feel disconnected, stressed, or that they don't have a good relationship with their supervisor or subordinates.  This costs corporations billions of dollars each year in lost productivity.

Executive Coaching helps to develop more grounded, happy leaders - ones who create inspiration in others. 

The Core Energy Coaching Process 

Maximize personal and professional potential
with sustainable results.

Core energy draws from six dimensions of human experience: spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, social, and environmental—each of which may support or obstruct the flow of energy through our bodies and minds at any given moment. In the model created by Bruce D Schneider, MCC, founder of iPEC, there are two types of energy: anabolic and catabolic. Anabolic energy is constructive, expanding, fueling, and creative, and works for a person. Conversely, catabolic energy is destructive, draining, or resisting and works against a person. The key to achieving physical and emotional well-being and high performance lies in learning to decrease destructive, constricting catabolic energy while releasing the natural flow of expansive, healing anabolic energy. By generating more anabolic energy, you open yourself to experiencing forgiveness, compassion, peace, joy, and passion. You become aware of more opportunities and choices, and gain greater access to creativity, intuition, cooperation, synergy, acceptance, and deep wisdom.

Invest in yourself.  An initial complimentary coaching session is available.